
How to speak publicly unprepared?

Event: How to speak publicly unprepared? Interactive Workshop with Stage time!


Place: Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomii i Informatyki w Krakowie

Room: Toronto, Aula

Language: English


✅ Registration and Networking from 9:30-10:00

✅ 1st block from 10:00 – 11:30

✅ Break from 11:30 – 11:45

✅ Networking (Answering questions by club members) from 11:45 – 13:00


🎤 Event host: Dennis Czekalla ( )

🎤 Special guest number 1: Maciej Baranowski ( ), Polish Champion in Evaluation (Feedback) and Central & Eastern European Champion of Impromptu Speeches (The topic of the meeting)

🎤 Special guest number 2: Cyril Junior Dim ( ), World Champion of Public Speaking 2022


Are you ready to unlock the power of spontaneous speech and captivate any audience, anytime, anywhere? Join us for an electrifying workshop designed to transform your public speaking prowess, brought to you by the collaborative efforts of Krakow Public Speaking Club, Thrive Talk, and WSEI!

Picture this: You're asked to speak on a topic you've never encountered before. Your heart races, palms sweat, but instead of panic, you exude confidence. How? Because you've mastered the art of unprepared public speaking.

In this immersive workshop, led by renowned experts in the field and hosted by the charismatic Dennis Czekalla, you'll discover the secrets to delivering compelling impromptu speeches with finesse and flair. Whether you're a seasoned speaker seeking to sharpen your skills or a novice eager to conquer the stage, this event is tailor-made for you.

Learn from the best in the business: Maciej Baranowski, the Polish Champion in Evaluation and Central & Eastern European Champion of Impromptu Speeches, and Cyril Junior Dim, the reigning World Champion of Public Speaking 2022. These luminaries will share their insider techniques, time-tested strategies, and personal anecdotes to inspire and empower you on your journey to mastery.

But this isn't your typical lecture-style seminar. Get ready for a dynamic, interactive experience filled with engaging activities, live demonstrations, and plenty of opportunities to put your newfound skills to the test. Through collaborative exercises and constructive feedback, you'll rapidly elevate your confidence and competence in impromptu speaking.

Whether you're a professional seeking to enhance your career prospects, a student aiming to ace presentations, or simply someone who wants to conquer the fear of speaking off-the-cuff, this workshop is your ticket to success.

Don't miss your chance to join us at the forefront of public speaking excellence. Embrace the challenge, seize the spotlight, and embark on a transformative journey towards becoming a fearless and captivating communicator.


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