
Invitation to Virtual Symposium

Virtual Symposium

International Cybersecurity Leadership

January 9th, 2021

Start 14:00 CET / 8:00AM EST

Cybersecurity has become a central issue in business and public administration as well as in academia. Contrary to common belief, it is not just a technology domain. The associated issues of risk management, systems design, human behavior, cost vs. value dilemma, and many other management related areas make cybersecurity equally a business administration challenge.

International Journal of Applied Technology and Leadership is organizing a virtual symposium to attempt to address some critical questions that arise at the junction of technology and business administration.

Some of the distinguished presenters and panelists include Dr. Ian McAndrew, Dean of Doctoral Programs and dr. William Butler, Chair, Cyber and Information Security, Director, Center for Cybersecurity Research and Analysis (CCRA), both of Capitol Technology University, Prof. Dr. hab. Jan Werewka of College of Economics and Computer Science, as well as Dr. Tal Pavel, Founder and CEO of Cybureau and Head of Cybersecurity Studies at the Academic College of Tel Aviv – Yaffo.
We are also honored to host Dr. Niki Robinson and Philip Kulp, D.Sc. of Capitol Technology University, Dr. Wojciech Urbanczyk, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Vienna and The Austrian Federal Computing Center, as well as Dr. Ryszard Ćwiertniak, Dr. Wojciech Blecharczyk, and Dr. Tomasz Czapran of College of Economics and Computer Science.

During the speeches and panel discussion, the guests will discuss how systemic, human, and technologic aspects of cybersecurity can help us deal with cyber risk associated with the contemporary tightly interconnected world.


The Virtual Symposium will begin at 14:00 CET (08:00AM EST).

The participation is free of change. You can join by following the Zoom link.

Passcode: 416426


International Journal of Applied Technology and Leadership  is a joint venture of Capitol Technology University, Laurel, MD (USA) and College of Economics and Computer Science, Cracow (Poland). 




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